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We are excited to announce the next big thing!  Wait for it…the CLOPTM – short for Certified Lean Orange Professional.

Pronounced C-L-O-P, not KLOP or SeeLop.  We’ve trademarked the pronunciation as well.  This is very important because it was statistically proven that those that who pronounced the S.A.T. test as S-A-T, performed better on their exam.  We want to be associated with high minds and high performers.  So for the sake of maintaining a premium brand please use the trademarked pronunciation.

The background

We have learned over the years that developing and delivering software really isn’t that difficult once you understand the principles and practices.  So it would make sense that if we could package up all the goodness that those who have gone before us have learned, pour cement on it, and share it with the world, we could change the software industry forever!  We would never have experience software failures again.  That is our mission and goal for the CLOPTM.

The details

What:  The  CLOPTM is a 20 year immersive program that teaches you to become an expert in

  • Computer Science
  • Systems Engineering
  • Enterprise Architecture
  • Data Science
  • Graphical Design
  • Quality Assurance
  • Process Improvement
  • Product Management
  • Project Management
  • Behavioral Science
  • Executive Leadership.

Where:  The  CLOPTM campus is in the heart of Silicon Valley.  This location gives us direct exposure to the cesspool of mediocre product developers who are considered the cream of the crop today.  This location will also allow our students to realize their competitive superiority in real time!

Cost:  The  CLOPTM pricing model is as unique as its name.  There is no, I repeat no charge upfront for the program!!!  Instead the CLOPTM council will get a 5% royalty from any earnings that students make for the rest of their life.  This aligns with our belief that in 20 years, students will be so far ahead of the competition, there will be no competition.  Its a more secure investment than a Greek bond.

We look forward to our first graduating class in 2033!!!